The personal experience of a Couple from United Kingdom

In 2019, my husband and I had the incredible opportunity to meet Dr. Dovas at the Fertility Show in London. He devoted over an hour to us, discussing numerous potential options to assist us on our fertility journey. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the logistical challenges it posed, we were unable to explore further with Newlife at the time.

We pursued other options in the UK, but they proved unsuccessful on several occasions. Throughout this period, Newlife and the warm embrace we received from Dr. Dovas and Chrysa remained in our hearts. After a series of setbacks, we decided to contact Newlife again in early 2022. To our amazement, Dr. Dovas and Chrysa remembered us and welcomed us with open arms. They spent valuable time discussing our options via Video calls, providing us with a clear understanding of our chances and hopes of conceiving.

Taking into account my age and the statistics, we collectively devised a plan that would offer us the best possible chance of realizing our dreams. After previous failed attempts, it became evident that a donor egg was the most promising direction. Newlife Clinic's high success rate with donor eggs and their meticulous donor screening process convinced us that we were on the right path.

Our journey officially began, and with the support of the Newlife team, we outlined our criteria for a suitable donor with similar characteristics to mine. It didn't take long before we found the perfect match. The next step was planning, and we traveled to Thessaloniki for the first embryo transfer.

Throughout the entire process, Newlife Clinic provided reassurance, guidance, and the courage we needed. Facing a medical procedure in a foreign country can be daunting, but they made us feel welcome even before our arrival. Their positivity put us at ease.

Our dreams gradually transformed into reality, thanks to the dedicated coordinators, Ermina and Iro, who provided immediate responses to our questions. Our initial attempts were unfortunately unsuccessful. Dr. Dovas decided to conduct a mock cycle to identify any underlying issues that might have hindered embryo implantation and to assess the timing of my fertility window. This mock cycle revealed our perfect fertility window but also uncovered a bacterial issue, promptly treated with antibiotics and probiotics.

Miraculously, the treatment worked, and our third attempt resulted in a positive pregnancy test. I am now five months pregnant with a baby boy. Newlife Clinic is more than just a medical facility; it's a family-oriented haven of unparalleled skill and knowledge.

We never believed this dream could come true for us, but Newlife, Dr. Dovas, Chrysa, Ermina, Iro, and the entire team made it possible. I can't recommend them highly enough; they are truly outstanding. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making our dreams a reality.

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