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Nakon vise od 10 bezuspešnih pokušaja odlučili smo se da svoju poslednju nadu, potrazimo u klinici Newlife (Solun). Na prvim konsultacijama nas je dočekalo ljubazno osoblje i kordinatora, Elena i dr Horozoglu, odmah su nas uverili da za nas ima nade. Uz adekvatnu pripremu vrlo brzo je doso i embiotransfer, iscekivanje Bete proveli smo bez stresa i verovali smo u uspeh.

Rezultat je stigo …


I am currently pregnant following my first cycle of treatment with Newlife. Prior to this I did several rounds of ivf with a fertility clinic in Ireland. I made the decision to travel abroad in order to try and obtain a higher standard of treatment and care and I am happy to say this was achieved with Newlife. I choose Newlife following alot of research online and they have a number of very …


Po tri neuspesni IVF obidi vo drugi kliniki, pocnavme da gubime nadez deka nekogas ke ostavrime uspeh. NO, sé se smeni koga stapivme vo kontakt so klinikata New Life. Uste od prviot moment ni stana jasno deka New Life funkcionira na sosema razlicno nivo. Denes, so golema radost spodeluvame deka sum trudna so bliznaci od prviot obid vo New Life!

Sé zapocna so video povik so dr. Dovas I …

North Macedonia

by Couple


We are so grateful to have found Newlife. From the start of our treatment to the end, they have been absolutely amazing. They made us feel at ease, they answered all our questions perfectly and tailored our treatment plan to our needs. Our patient coordinator was brilliant every step of the way and always responded to any questions or concerns we had extremely quickly, which made us feel at …

United Kingdom

We are so thankful that we were lucky enough to come across Newlife after a recommendation from a patient of mine who was currently pregnant with twins via the help of Newlife.
We had been struggling with fertility issues since 2020 after 5 natural conception pregnancy’s all ending in miscarriage. Sadly, at the time there was little support for us due to covid - I ended up with an …

United Kingdom

My husband and I struggled for years with unexplained infertility, we sought many treatments and answers in the USA. Which resulted in a lack of care. Lots of money and no help in growing our family. I began looking into NewLife and for years we prayed over the decision, it was scary to think we would travel out of country and do the extensive treatment of IVF. Thank God we took the …


by Couple


We have no words to describe how grateful we are for the wonderful care and assistance we received at Newlife Clinic in Thessaloniki, Greece. We chose to try again with Newlife Clinic, nervous but hopeful after two failed IVF rounds in Canada. Thanks to the amazing team at Newlife, we are thrilled to announce today that we are expecting our first child.

We were made to feel at ease and …


by Couple


Задовољство нам је да са вама можемо да поделимо и више него позитивно искуство које смо имали са клиником New Life у Солуну и на тај начин дамо и мали лични допринос у вашој борби за потомство и остварење, верујемо, најважнијег сна.

Најпре, искористили би ову прилику да похвалимо напор који су др Chorozogluo и Елена, а затим и Јорданка, ембриолог Petroula као и сви остали чланови …


by Couple


Mi smo u New Life došli nakon tri neuspjela pokušaja, iscrpljeni i emotivno i fizički. Istražili smo mnogo klinika u Evropi, dva puta smo pokušali u našoj zemlji, a nepovjerenje i nezadovoljstvo su stalno rasli. Posebno teško je bilo što smo se našli u problemu o kom se u našem okruženju veoma malo zna i priča pa smo dugo lutali tražeći rješenje. Naš problem je bio dvostruki i spadali smo u …

Bosnia & Herzegovina

by Couple


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